
What FlexiHub’s customers say

Now my hardware lock is always with me

June 20, 2018

We are using your software to “move” a hardware lock between computers.

It has bugged us for years to always have to remember that damn lock at home, office, in the field, and so on. It is working great so we bought a lifetime license.


Suited for car diagnostics

April 28, 2018

We have been using and testing FlexiHub for remote car diagnostics, we have used several USB connected car diagnostics devices and it has worked without a problem.


The most flexibility with no additional hardware purchase

March 7, 2018

We are a small engineering/survey firm that shares a copy of an earthwork program.

The program uses a USB dongle to insure licensing. We tried other usb sharing products but Flexihub has given us the most flexibility with no additional hardware purchase.


FlexiHub reduces shipping times

February 7, 2018

We have tested FlexiHub to see if it can speed up medical device development with our external partners. Instead of shipping devices from our partners to us and back, FlexiHub enhances the Device Management remotely without the lack of shipping times.

It was a full success and our Partner will get a license soon.

Robert Michael

I don’t need to have the keys with me anymore

December 22, 2017

I own an Automotive ECU tuning company that regularly deals with

software that has USB keys to be able to run them, this software works

well in the fact that I don’t need to have the keys with me anymore to

open the software I can just log in to my base computer and fire up the

